Started |
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Mid-March 2007 |
Finished |
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May 23rd, 2006 |
Base |
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Parts |
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X2 Nightcrawler A rubber snake |
Materials |
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Apoxy Sculpt, Green |
Points of |
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~ 33 |
Character & Intent
These words are a beautiful hint at the delightfully nefarious
of Moebius, the Time Streamer. His deeds are like a red line that
goes all the way through the Legacy Of Kain games. Or like a
red line that goes under the carpet half the time, because his
intentions are always clouded and multi-layered. And yet,
in the end... But I digress.
Of course making anothet integral character of the series was
a very obvious choice. But, as usual, it took me quite a while
to find the right base... Especially cheap enough for me.
I actually had the head half-way finished for quite a while
I realized that it would work reasonably well enough for
Moebius when I was using it for Kain. The body, however
only recently came in the sinister and sticky form of ML15
Baron Zemo. And so, it began...
As always, I started out by removing the glued-on parts of
(Really, I don't know what the man's problem was all those
years. Did he ever try hot
water ? Noooo, he gave up on removing his sissy hood right away
and preferred spending
decade upon decade hating Captain America. Adhesive X my ass
!) I realized pretty soon
that the lower arms would be too puffy for Moebius' costume, so
I rummaged through my
fodder backlog and found X2 Nightcrawler. Looks like it was Moebius
destined to be
constructed from Germans... Such a villain cliché. The entire
visible surface of the lower arms
was sculpted over to match the costume details. Speaking of matches,
both Zemo's leather-gloved
hands and Kurt's three-digit-grabbers obviously wouldn't fit the
character, so back to rummaging.
What I came up with were ML Angel and - for staff-holding action
- An old Toybiz WCW hand,
which came with the added benefit of a seperately articulated pointy
finger. The latter did not have
a wrist hinge, but that's acceptable in this case.
I actually also shortened his legs a bit so he would be
shorter than Kain -
But that wasn't very effective or remarkable.
Almost all costume details that didn't match the target look were
sculpted using Apoxy
sculpt. For some strange reason, I wanted the hood to be
removable, so after cutting it
into shape, I thoroughly talcumed and pressed it into the still
hardening neck-and-shoulder
area of the of the costume. Consequentially, it fit snugly enough not
to fall off right away.
Speaking of the neck area, I had to oversculpt the actual neck,
too. It was just too smoth
and undefined for an old man. And Moebius is reaaal old.
Moebius' frock was a bit of a challenge. Anything above the
wasn't too tough, but the floppy bits were hard to get in.
What ?
What.. ?!
Anyway, I went through my inventory a lot of times until
I found the right solution in
the Toybiz Darkstalkers Demitry cape, which I cut into shape and
glued in place. Then,
I sculpted the belt over it, using B-Yellow for the lowermost
part for flexibility instead
of speedy breakage.
The shoulderpads turned out to be very difficult, as it's not
exactly easy to sculpt an elevated
part using Apoxy, especially over articulated areas. The solution was
to wrap the arms thickly
in aluminum foil to elevate the base for the pads and sculpting onto
this. I did not attach the pads
yet, as I preferred to let their basic shape cure before carving
and sculpting their detailing. When
that was done, I glued them into place and sculpted the remaining
areas of their lower edges.
Finally, the staff is based on the handle of a brush which had
served it's purpose in a long, colorful
life. On top of it resides a wooden ball from a crafts store. The
snake is a mixture of a casted
McFarlane Medusa accessory snake head and a cheap rubber snake from
some arbitrary toy.
Again, the paintjob was nothing out of the ordinary.
Spray primer, paint, brushes and washes, spray varnish.
And thus was finished the Time Streamer.
(To main)